
Why have a check-up?
Our knowledge about how illnesses come about is continuously expanding and examinations are revealing more and more risk factors. Therefore, the chances of preventing illnesses increase when a person`s health undergoes regular checks.

A detailed consultation, taking account of personal and family history, is an individual and personalised way of finding out what risks need particular attention.
What happens during a check-up?
A check-up always includes a thorough physical examination and a laboratory examination on the blood and a urine sample (taken first thing in the morning) brought in by the personal undergoing the check-up. The examination may also include an ECG, a lung function test and ultrasound examinations including colour Doppler imaging of the blood vessels.

If special examinations are required, I collaborate closely with colleagues from other fields of expertise and incorporate their findings in the final result.

The overall result and the recommendations arising from it are summarised in writing.
How much time needs to be scheduled for a check-up?
The detailed preliminary consultation and the general medical examinations take place in a few hours in the morning.

The laboratory results are available in the afternoon. There then follows an in-depth explanation of the collated findings, which can take place on the same day if desired.
What preparation is required?
In order to ensure that the next days laboratory values are as reliable as possible, you should eat nothing else after a light meal at around 6 p.m. on the evening prior to the check-up date. Unsweetened drinks are possible after that. You can drink two cups of unsweetened tea or coffee and still water on the morning of the examination before the blood sample is taken. Deviations from this procedure can be discussed on making the appointment.

If you are sensitive to blood samples being taken, the point of vein puncture can be desensitised by means of an anaesthetic patch which you will receive on arrival at the practice.

Don`t forget your vaccination record!
Why does the primary care physician perform the check-up?
Examination and treatment are the responsibility of one person.

The findings collated during the check-up are also used in order to collate comparative values since, in the event of illness, it can be interesting to know whether an aberrant examination finding has always existed as a harmless standard variant (in which case it was already present during the check-up) or is the expression of the current problem at the time of illness.

With a check-up conducted by a primary care physician you have the assurance that all health-related data are gathered at one location and are immediately available for your benefit in the event of illness. This can facilitate diagnosis and ensure that treatment is provided sooner.

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