
Naturopathic treatments and acupuncture are used if possible, depending on the patient’s symptoms.

The range of available services also includes nutritional advice, preventive check-ups, allergy tests and infusion treatments.

The diagnostic services comprise:

including colour Doppler sonography of arteries and veins

The practice is affiliated to Ärztliche Apparategemeinschaft Düsseldorf and works closely with the Medical Laboratories in Nordstraße, Düsseldorf. This means that all laboratory tests can be carried out, including allergy, hormone and tumour marker tests. In the case of urgent examinations, the results are available within a few hours.
If you are unable to come to the practice in person, a house visit can be arranged. ECG, lung function tests and ultrasound examinations are conducted with portable devices and can therefore be carried out during a house visit in certain cases.